James-Ryan Stampley
2 min readJul 18, 2020


Why I decided to learn Software Engineering

In this day and age, there are so many options when it comes to forging a path and deciding to walk down to the end of that path. In many different career fields, the path seems absolutely clear. It seems.. set in stone, in a restricting way. The path is not dynamic and the work is not very fulfilling. Of course this is just my opinion, forged from experience, but I have stared down that road before and I could see the ceiling. I wanted something different. Not only for myself, but for my family. As a soon to be husband and father of three little ones, I wanted to become something more, something my children could be proud of. So I found myself out in Phoenix, AZ chasing what I thought was my dream career (with my family by my side of course).

I attended the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences (CRAS), with the intention to learn how manipulate and enhance various forms of audio. More specifically for me, voice over work. To keep the lights on while I went to school in the day, I worked overnight for this company called SiteLock LLC. This company provided website protection for customers of various hosting platforms such as Bluehost, iPage, and Hostgator, to name a few. It was fun helping people with their websites and intriguing to speak to so many developers and entrepreneurs calling in talking about their websites and businesses with me. I even ‘looked through’ a customers source code every now and then to check for viruses. Yes, I had NO clue what I was doing aside from trying anything to sell this software program to a client, but it started the gears turning for me. In fact, it set a fire in me that has yet to go out. Half way through the immersive program at CRAS, I found myself face to face with a scary realization: I loved learning about websites and helping clients more than learning to be an audio engineer.

After looking at that clients source code, I began trying to learn to write my own code, and began looking deeper and deeper into the world of Software Development and Web Development. I felt the effect it had over me and found a place where I believe my path should truly begin. I never thought I would find something so frustratingly difficult to learn, to be so rewarding — in various ways I might add! The deeper I looked into what a Software Engineer or a web developer was, and what they did in their ever changing day to day lives, I realized nearly everything in our world is run by technology. My mind was made up. I would follow this path I stumbled on by accident, and become a software developer. Not only has this given me a sense of pride and purpose in myself, but it will surely give me everything I’ve ever wanted in a career. All of this, is why I’ve decided to burn all other bridges and paths, and forge my path as a Software Developer.

